Posts tagged organizing

11 Habits of Clean People

What is the difference between “Clean” and “Messy” people?


The truth is that when you are organized and clean, you feel better! You know where your things are and you feel in control of your Environment. In order to “be organized” or “clean” you just have to give a little more effort and start to make these actions a habit.

There are several habits that organized people do & do well. It allows them to lead lives that are more productive, successful & less stressful than their unorganized messy friends.

Here are the 11 things they do to stay “organized” and they are little things that you can do too!

#1.    A place for everything and everything in its place
#2.    Start and End-of-Day Rituals

#3.    Set aside daily time for cleaning

#4.    Get it out, put it back

#5.    Make lists

#6.    Write everything down

#7.    Tracking

#8.    Stacking tasks

#9.    Delegate

#10.  Do it now

#11.  FOCUS

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